Cryo-EM structures of PP2A:B55-FAM122A and PP2A:B55-ARPP19


Padi Sathish K.R.,Vos Margaret R.,Godek Rachel J.,Fuller James R.,Kruse Thomas,Hein Jamin B.,Nilsson Jakob,Kelker Matthew S.,Page Rebecca,Peti Wolfgang


AbstractProgression through the cell cycle is controlled by regulated and abrupt changes in phosphorylation.1Mitotic entry is initiated by increased phosphorylation of mitotic proteins, a process driven by kinases,2while mitotic exit is achieved by counteracting dephosphorylation, a process driven by phosphatases, especially PP2A:B55.3While the role of kinases in mitotic entry is well-established, recent data have shown that mitosis is only successfully initiated when the counterbalancing phosphatases are also inhibited.4For PP2A:B55, inhibition is achieved by the two intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs), ARPP19 (phosphorylation-dependent)6,7and FAM122A5(inhibition is phosphorylation-independent). Despite their critical roles in mitosis, the mechanisms by which they achieve PP2A:B55 inhibition is unknown. Here, we report the cryo-electron microscopy structures of PP2A:B55 bound to phosphorylated ARPP19 and FAM122A. Consistent with our complementary NMR spectroscopy studies both IDPs bind PP2A:B55, but do so in highly distinct manners, unexpectedly leveraging multiple distinct binding sites on B55. Our extensive structural, biophysical and biochemical data explain how substrates and inhibitors are recruited to PP2A:B55 and provides a molecular roadmap for the development of therapeutic interventions for PP2A:B55 related diseases.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory







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