AbstractMany species pairs form F1 hybrids that are fitter than their parents. Such heterosis can arise if the parents carry recessive deleterious mutations; and in this case, the heterosis should be fixable, because selecting out the deleterious mutations yields a high-fitness homozygous hybrid. However, heterosis might not be fixable if caused by overdominance (an intrinisic advantage to heterozygosity) or if the parents contain coadapted gene complexes. These alternatives have been tested with introgression lines, where small regions of genome are scored in the heterospecific background. We develop predictions for introgression line data under a simple model of phenotypic selection, where parents diverge by fixing deleterious mutations via genetic drift. We show that this simple process can generate complex patterns in the data, misleading tests for both overdominance and coadaptation. We also suggest new ways to analyse the data to overcome these difficulties. Reanalyses of published data fromSolanumandGossypiumsuggest that the model can account for the qualitative patterns observed, though not the extent of apparent overdominance.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory