Embryo-derived Langerhans cells (eLC) are maintained within the sealed
epidermis without contribution from circulating cells. When the network is
perturbed by transient exposure to ultra-violet light, short-term LC are
temporarily reconstituted from an initial wave of monocytes, but thought to be
superseded by more permanent repopulation with undefined LC precursors. However,
the extent to which this mechanism is relevant to immune-pathological processes
that damage LC population integrity is not known. Using a model of allogeneic
hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, where allo-reactive T cells directly
target eLC, we have asked if and how the original LC network is ultimately
restored. We find that donor monocytes, but not dendritic cells, are the
precursors of the long-term LC in this context. Destruction of eLC leads to
recruitment of a single wave of monocytes which engraft in the epidermis and
undergo a sequential pathway of differentiation via transcriptionally distinct
EpCAM+ precursors. Monocyte-derived LC acquire the
capacity of self-renewal, and turn-over in the epidermis was remarkably similar
to that of steady state eLC. However, we have identified a bottleneck in the
differentiation and survival of epidermal monocytes, which together with the
slow turn-over of mature LC limits repair of the network. Furthermore,
replenishment of the LC network leads to constitutive entry of cells into the
epidermal compartment. Thus, immune injury triggers functional adaptation of
mechanisms used to maintain tissue-resident macrophages at other sites, but this
process is highly inefficient in the skin.
Immune injury leads to recruitment of a single wave of monocytes
to replace resident Langerhans cells (LC).
DC lineage cells cannot become long-term replacement
The size of the re-emerging network is controlled by
density-dependent division of mature LC.
Immune injury and inefficient repopulation by monocyte-derived
cells lead to a permanently altered LC niche.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
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