We study the collective dynamics of strongly diffusively coupled excitable elements on small random tree networks. Stochastic external inputs are applied to the leaves causing large spiking events. Those events propagate along the tree branches and, eventually, exciting the root node. Using Hodgkin-Huxley type nodal elements, such a setup serves as a model for sensory neurons with branched myelinated distal terminals. We focus on the influence of the variability of tree structures on the spike train statistics of the root node. We present a statistical description of random tree network and show how the structural variability translates into the collective network dynamics. In particular, we show that in the physiologically relevant case of strong coupling the variability of collective response is determined by the joint probability distribution of the total number of leaves and nodes. We further present analytical results for the strong coupling limit in which the entire tree network can be represented by an effective single element.PACS numbers: 87.19.ll, 87.19.lb, 87.19.lc, 05.45.Xt, 05.10.Gg
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory