Experimental evolution reveals the genetic basis and systems biology of superoxide stress tolerance


Tan Justin,Olson Connor A.,Park Joon Ho,Sastry Anand V.,Phaneuf Patrick V.,Yang Laurence,Szubin Richard,Hefner Ying,Feist Adam M.,Palsson Bernhard O.


AbstractBacterial response to oxidative stress is of fundamental importance. Oxidative stresses are endogenous, such as reactive oxidative species (ROS) production during respiration, or exogenous in industrial biotechnology, due to culture conditions or product toxicity. The immune system inflicts strong ROS stress on invading pathogens. In this study we make use of Adaptive Laboratory Evolution (ALE) to generate two independent lineages ofEscherichia coliwith increased tolerance to superoxide stress by up to 500% compared to wild type. We found: 1) that the use of ALE reveals the genetic basis for and systems biology of ROS tolerance, 2) that there are only 6 and 7 mutations, respectively, in each lineage, five of which reproducibly occurred in the same genes (iron-sulfur cluster regulatoriscR, putative iron-sulfur repair proteinygfZ, pyruvate dehydrogenase subunit EaceE, succinate dehydrogenasesucA, and glutamine tRNAglnX), and 3) that the transcriptome of the strain lineages exhibits two different routes of tolerance: the direct mitigation and repair of ROS damage and the up-regulation of cell motility and swarming genes mediated through phosphate starvation, which has been linked to biofilm formation and aggregation. These two transcriptomic responses can be interpreted as ‘flight’ and ‘fight’ phenotypes.ImportanceBacteria encounter oxidative stress from multiple sources. During pathogenic infections, our body’s immune system releases ROS as a form of antimicrobial defense whilst bacteria used in industrial biotechnology are frequently exposed to genetic modifications and culture conditions which induce oxidative stress. In order to get around the body’s defences, pathogens have developed various adaptations to tolerate high levels of ROS, and these adaptive mechanisms are not always well understood. At the same time, there is a need to improve oxidative stress tolerance for industrially relevant strains in order to increase robustness and productivity. In this study we generate two strains of superoxide tolerantEscherichia coliand identify several adaptive mechanisms. These findings can be directly applied to improve production strain fitness in an industrial setting. They also provide insight into potential virulence factors in other pathogens, highlighting potential targets for antimicrobial compounds.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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