CyanoGate: A Golden Gate modular cloning suite for engineering cyanobacteria based on the plant MoClo syntax


Vasudevan Ravendran,Gale Grant A.R.,Schiavon Alejandra A.,Puzorjov Anton,Malm John,Gillespie Michael D.,Vavitsas Konstantinos,Zulkower Valentin,Wang Baojun,Howe Christopher J.,Lea-Smith David,McCormick Alistair J.


ABSTRACTRecent advances in synthetic biology research have been underpinned by an exponential increase in available genomic information and a proliferation of advanced DNA assembly tools. The adoption of plasmid vector assembly standards and parts libraries has greatly enhanced the reproducibility of research and exchange of parts between different labs and biological systems. However, a standardised Modular Cloning (MoClo) system is not yet available for cyanobacteria, which lag behind other prokaryotes in synthetic biology despite their huge potential in biotechnological applications. By building on the assembly library and syntax of the Plant Golden Gate MoClo kit, we have developed a versatile system called CyanoGate that unites cyanobacteria with plant and algal systems. We have generated a suite of parts and acceptor vectors for making i) marked/unmarked knock-outs or integrations using an integrative acceptor vector, and ii) transient multigene expression and repression systems using known and novel replicative vectors. We have tested and compared the CyanoGate system in the established model cyanobacteriumSynechocystissp. PCC 6803 and the more recently described fast-growing strainSynechococcus elongatusUTEX 2973. The system is publicly available and can be readily expanded to accommodate other standardised MoClo parts.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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