Inhibition of the H3K27 demethylase UTX enhances the epigenetic silencing of HIV proviruses and induces HIV-1 DNA hypermethylation but fails to permanently block HIV reactivation


Nguyen Kien,Dobrowolski Curtis,Shukla Meenakshi,Cho Won-Kyung,Karn Jonathan


AbstractOne strategy for a functional cure of HIV-1 is “block and lock”, which seeks to permanently suppress the rebound of quiescent HIV-1 by epigenetic silencing. For the HIV LTR, both histone 3 lysine 27 tri-methylation (H3K27me3) and DNA methylation are associated with viral suppression, while H3K4 tri-methylation (H3K4me3) is correlated with viral expression. However, H3K27me3 is readily reversed upon activation of T-cells through the T-cell receptor. To suppress latent HIV-1 in a stable fashion, we depleted the expression or inhibited the activity of UTX/KDM6A, the major H3K27 demethylase, and investigated its impact on latent HIV-1 reactivation in T cells. Inhibition of UTX dramatically enhanced H3K27me3 levels at the HIV LTR and were associated with increased DNA methylation. In latently infected cells from patients, GSK-J4, which is a potent dual inhibitor of the H3K27me3/me2-demethylases JMJD3/KDM6B and UTX/KDM6A, effectively suppressed the reactivation of latent HIV-1 and induced DNA methylation at specific sites in the 5’LTR of latent HIV-1 by the enhanced recruitment of DNMT3A to HIV-1. Nonetheless, suppression of HIV-1 through epigenetic silencing required the continued treatment with GSK-J4 and was rapidly reversed after removal of the drug. Thus, epigenetic silencing by itself appears to be insufficient to permanently silence HIV-1 proviral transcription.Author SummaryThe “block and lock” strategy for a functional HIV-1 cure is based on the premise that permanent inactivation of the HIV-1 can be achieved by epigenetic silencing of the proviral DNA. For cellular genes, long-term silencing is achieved during cell differentiation by the induction of specific epigenetic modifications involving histone and DNA methylation. During HIV-1 silencing, histone methylation and DNA methylation are observed, but both sets of modifications can be reversed upon activation of T-cells through the T-cell receptor or potent latency reversing agents. In an attempt to enhance silencing of HIV-1 transcription, we used an inhibitor of H3K27 demethylases to increase H3K27 methylation. This in turn led to enhanced DNA methylation of HIV-1. Unfortunately, although the treatment effectively silenced HIV-1 and prevented viral reactivation, the silencing effects were short-lived and quickly reversed after removal of the drug.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory







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