Membrane Fusion can be Driven by Sec18/NSF, Sec17/αSNAP, and trans-SNARE complex without HOPS


Song HongkiORCID,Wickner WilliamORCID


AbstractYeast vacuolar membrane fusion has been reconstituted with R, Qa, Qb, and Qc-family SNAREs, Sec17/αSNAP, Sec18/NSF, and the hexameric HOPS complex. HOPS tethers membranes and catalyzes SNARE assembly into RQaQbQc trans-complexes which zipper through their SNARE domains to promote fusion. Previously, we demonstrated that Sec17 and Sec18 can bypass the requirement of complete zippering for fusion (Song et al., 2021), but it has been unclear whether this activity of Sec17 and Sec18 is directly coupled to HOPS. HOPS can be replaced for fusion by a synthetic tether when the three Q-SNAREs are pre-assembled. We now report that SNARE zippering-arrested fusion intermediates that are formed without HOPS support Sec17/Sec18-triggered fusion. This zippering-bypass fusion is thus a direct result of Sec17 and Sec18 interactions: with each other, with the platform of partially zippered SNAREs, and with the apposed tethered membranes. As these fusion elements are shared among all exocytic and endocytic traffic, Sec17 and Sec18 may have a general role in directly promoting fusion.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory







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