Motor adaptation does not differ when a perturbation is introduced abruptly or gradually


Bansal Ambika,’t Hart Bernard MariusORCID,Chauhan Udai,Eggert ThomasORCID,Straube AndreasORCID,Henriques Denise YPORCID


ABSTRACTPeople continuously adapt their movements to ever-changing circumstances, and particularly in skills training and rehabilitation, it is crucial that we understand how to optimize implicit adaptation in order for these processes to require as little conscious effort as possible. Although it is generally assumed that the way to do this is by introducing perturbations gradually, the literature is ambivalent on the effectiveness of this approach. Here we test whether there are differences in motor performance when adapting to an abrupt compared to a ramped visuomotor rotation. Using a within-subjects design, we test this question under 3 different rotation sizes: 30°, 45°, and 60°, as well as in 3 different populations: younger adults, older adults, and patients with mild cerebellar ataxia. We find no significant differences in either the behavioural outcomes, or model fits, between abrupt and gradual learning across any of the different conditions. Neither age, nor cerebellar ataxia had any significant effect on motor adaptation either. These findings together indicate that motor adaptation is not modulated by introducing a perturbation abruptly compared to gradually, and is also unaffected by age or mild cerebellar ataxia.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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