Genomic mate-allocation strategies exploiting additive and non-additive genetic effects to maximise total clonal performance in sugarcane


Yadav SeemaORCID,Ross Elizabeth M.ORCID,Wei Xianming,Powell OwenORCID,Hivert ValentinORCID,Hickey Lee T.ORCID,Atkin Felicity,Deomano Emily,Aitken Karen S.ORCID,Voss-Fels Kai P.ORCID,Hayes Ben J.ORCID


ABSTRACTMate-allocation in breeding programs can improve progeny performance by exploiting non-additive effects. Breeding decisions in the mate-allocation approach are based on predicted progeny merit rather than parental breeding value. This is particularly attractive when non-additive effects are significant, and the best-predicted progeny can be clonally propagated, for example sugarcane. We compared mate-allocation strategies that leverage non-additive and heterozygosity effects to maximise sugarcane clonal performance to schemes that use only additive effects to maximise breeding value. We used phenotypes and genotypes from a population of 2,909 clones phenotyped in Australia’s sugarcane breeding program’s final assessment trials for three traits: tonnes of cane per hectare (TCH), commercial cane sugar (CCS), and fibre. The clones from the last generation of this data set were used as parents to simulate families from all possible crosses (1,225), each with 50 progenies. The breeding and clonal values of progeny were predicted using GBLUP (considering only additive effects) and the e-GBLUP model (incorporating additive, non-additive and heterozygosity effects). Integer linear programming was used to identify the optimal mate-allocation among the selected parents. Compared to the breeding value, the predicted progeny value of allocated crossing pairs based on clonal performance (e-GBLUP) increased by 57%, 12%, and 16% for TCH, CCS, and fibre, respectively. In our study, the mate-allocation strategy exploiting non-additive and heterozygosity effects resulted in better clonal performance. However, there was a noticeable decline in additive gain, particularly for TCH, which might have been caused by the presence of large epistatic effects. When crosses were chosen based on clonal performance for TCH, progenies’ inbreeding coefficients were found significantly lower than for random mating, indicating that utilising non-additive and heterozygosity effects has advantages for controlling inbreeding depression. Therefore, mate-allocation is recommended in clonal crops to improve clonal performance and reduce inbreeding.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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