Attenuated amiloride-sensitive current and augmented calcium-activated chloride current in marsh rice rat (Oryzomys palustris) airways


Kuan Shin-Ping,Liao Yan-Shin J.,Davis Katelyn M.,Messer Jonathan G.,Zubcevic Jasenka,Aguirre J. Ignacio,Reznikov Leah R.


SummaryProlonged heat and sea salt aerosols pose a challenge for the mammalian airway, placing the protective airway surface liquid (ASL) at risk for desiccation. Thus, mammals inhabiting salt marshes might have acquired adaptations for ASL regulation. We studied the airways of the rice rat, a rodent that inhabits salt marshes. We discovered negligible Na+ transport through the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC). In contrast, carbachol induced a large Cl secretory current that was blocked by the calcium-activated chloride channel (CaCC) inhibitor CaCCinh-A01. Decreased mRNA expression of α, β, and γ ENaC, and increased mRNA expression of the CaCC transmembrane member 16A distinguished the rice rat airway. Rice rat airway cultures also secreted fluid in response to carbachol and displayed an exaggerated expansion of the ASL volume when challenged with 3.5% NaCl. These data suggest that the rice rat airway might possess unique ion transport adaptations to facilitate survival in the salt marsh environment.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory







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