Phylophenomic and Phylogenomic analysis for Ovis aries reveals distinct identity of newly reported breed


Pal Aruna,Banerjee Samiddha,karmakar Prabir


AbstractDomestication and phylogenetics for Ovis aries is an important species to study, since there exists enormous biodiversity in terms of habitat and utility of sheep. The present study aimed at identification of the biodiversity existing within sheep breeds reared in different agroclimatic zones of the state West Bengal (Garole, Birbhum, Bonpala and Chotanagpuri) through phylogenetic analysis of phenotypic traits as growth and biomorphometric traits through principal component analysis, factor analysis, genetic correlation, multivariate cluster analysis through Hierarchial classification and k-means cluster analysis. Confirmation of the phylophenomic studies were later on carried out with phylogenomic analysis with microsatellite markers for sheep. Birbhum sheep from dry arid region of West Bengal is reported as the newly reported breed of sheep with distinct genetic identity.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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