Bamboos flower after the return of almost the same sun-moon phasing as at seedling emergence


Clerget BenoitORCID


AbstractAll Asian woody bamboo species of economic importance are semelparous. They remain vegetative during time intervals that are specific to each species and range from three to 120 years, with notable concentrations around a series of values (3, 7-8, 14-17, 29-36, 42-48, 61-64, and 120 years). Then, they flower gregariously within a short period. Entire forests temporarily disappear during these periods, and the dates of these dramatic events have been recorded over the last 200 years.While searching for a correlated environmental cue, I have found that the concentrations of flowering cycles were highly correlated with the series of successive returns of almost the same sun-moon phasing as at seedling emergence. On basis of knowledge on plant photoperiod sensitivity, I hypothesize that bamboo plants i) run a lunar cellular clock that is set at the full moon, ii) retain in their cellular memory the exact sun-moon phasing of the year of their emergence as seedlings, and iii) inhibit flowering until the occurrence of a unique, species-specific sun-moon phasing that is shifted by a precise amount from the sun-moon phasing at their emergence. Recent evidence of plant responses to lunar cycles supports this hypothesis, for which experimental evidence is now anticipated.HighlightThe long-standing enigma of the triggering of the gregarious flowering of bamboos is possibly solved. Flowering would be inhibited until the occurrence of the species-specific sun-moon phasing.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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