Single cell clonal analysis identifies an AID-dependent pathway of plasma cell differentiation


Gómez-Escolar CarmenORCID,Serrano-Navarro AlvaroORCID,Benguria AlbertoORCID,Dopazo AnaORCID,Sánchez-Cabo FátimaORCID,Ramiro Almudena RORCID


ABSTRACTGerminal centers (GC) are microstructures where B cells that have been activated by antigen can improve the affinity of their B cell receptors and differentiate into memory B cells (MBCs) or antibody secreting plasma cells. Activation Induced Deaminase (AID) initiates antibody diversification in GCs by somatic hypermutation and class switch recombination. Here we have addressed the role of AID in the terminal differentiation of GC B cells by combining single cell transcriptome and immunoglobulin clonal analysis in a mouse model that traces AID-experienced cells. We identified 8 transcriptional clusters that include dark zone and light zone GC subsets, plasmablasts/plasma cells (PB), 4 subsets of MBCs and a novel prePB subset, which shares the strongest clonal relationships with PBs. Mice lacking AID have various alterations in the size and expression profiles of these transcriptional clusters. We find that AID deficiency leads to a reduced proportion of prePB cells and severely impairs transitions between the prePB and the PB subsets. Thus, AID shapes the differentiation fate of GC B cells by enabling PB generation from a prePB state.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory







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