Roles of the distinct N-terminal amino acid between H3 and H3.3 in Drosophila male germline stem cell lineage


Chandrasekhara Chinmayi,Ranjan Rajesh,Urban Jennifer A.,Ku Wai Lim,Snedeker Jonathan,Zhao Keji,Chen XinORCID


AbstractAdult stem cells undergo asymmetric cell divisions to produce two daughter cells with distinct cell fates: one capable of self-renewal and the other committed for differentiation. Mis-regulation of this delicate balance can lead to cancer and tissue degeneration. During asymmetric division of Drosophila male germline stem cells (GSCs), preexisting (old) and newly synthesized histone H3 are differentially segregated whereas old and new histone variant H3.3 are more equally inherited. However, what underlies these distinct inheritance patterns remains unknown. Here, we report that the N-terminal tails of H3 and H3.3 are critical for their inheritance patterns, as well as GSC maintenance and proper differentiation. H3 and H3.3 differ at the 31st position in their N-termini with Alanine for H3 and Serine for H3.3. By swapping these two amino acids, we generated two mutant histones (i.e., H3A31S and H3.3S31A). Upon expressing them in the early-stage germline, we identified opposing phenotypes: over-population of early-stage germ cells in the H3A31S-expressing testes and significant germ cell loss in testes expressing the H3.3S31A. Asymmetric H3 inheritance is disrupted in the H3A31S-expressing GSCs, due to mis-incorporation of old histones between sister chromatids during DNA replication. Furthermore, H3.3S31A mutation accelerates old histone turn-over in the GSCs. Finally, using a modified Chromatin Immunocleavage assay on early-stage germ cells, we found that H3A31S has an enhanced occupancy at the promoters and transcription starting sites than H3, while H3.3S31A is more enriched at transcriptionally silent intergenic regions compared to H3.3. Overall, these results suggest that the 31st amino acids for both H3 and H3.3 are critical for their proper genomic occupancy and function. Together, our findings indicate a critical role for the different amino acid composition of the N-terminal tails between H3 and H3.3 in an endogenous stem cell lineage, and provide insights into the importance of proper histone inheritance in specifying cell fates and regulating cellular differentiation.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory







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