The effect of motor-induced shaft dynamics on microtubule stability and length


Schaer Joël,Andreu-Carbó Mireia,Kruse Karsten,Aumeier Charlotte


ABSTRACTControl of microtubule abundance, stability, and length is crucial to regulate intracellular transport as well as cell polarity and division. How microtubule stability depends on tubulin addition or removal at the dynamic ends is well studied. However, microtubule rescue, the event when a microtubule switches from shrinking to growing, occurs at tubulin exchange sites along the shaft. Molecular motors have recently been shown to promote such exchanges. Using a stochastic theoretical description, we study how microtubule stability and length depends on motor-induced tubulin exchange and thus rescue. Our theoretical description matches our in vitro experiments on microtubule dynamics in presence of kinesin-1 molecular motors. Although the average microtubule dynamics can be captured by an effective rescue rate, the dynamics of individual microtubules differs dramatically when rescue occurs only at exchange sites. Furthermore, we study in detail a transition from bounded to unbounded microtubule growth. Our results provide novel insights into how molecular motors imprint information of microtubule stability on the microtubule network.SIGNIFICANCEThe microtubule network is essential for vital cellular processes like the organization of intracellular transport and division. Although microtubule assembly occurs at its tips, it has recently been reported that tubulin is exchanged along the microtubule shaft. Tubulin exchange plays an essential role in regulating microtubule dynamics and can be induced by molecular motors. Here, we provide the first systematic study of the impact of shaft dynamics on the regulation of rescue events, where a microtubule switches from shrinking to growing. Our results illustrate how the usage of microtubules as tracks for intracellular transport regulates the microtubule network and thus offers a novel perspective on intracellular organization.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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