Visuospatial attention is a prerequisite for the performance of visually guided movements: Perceptual discrimination is regularly enhanced at target locations prior to movement initiation. It is known that this attentional prioritization evolves over the time of movement preparation; however, it is not clear whether this build-up simply reflects a time requirement of attention formation or whether, instead, attention build-up reflects the emergence of the movement decision. To address this question, we combined behavioral experiments, psychophysics, and computational decision-making models to characterize the time course of attention build-up during motor preparation. Participants (n = 46, 29 female) executed center-out reaches to one of two potential target locations and reported the identity of a visual discrimination target that occurred concurrently at one of various time-points during movement preparation and execution. Visual discrimination increased simultaneously at the two potential target locations but was modulated by the experiment-wide probability that a given location would become the final goal. Attention increased further for the location that was then designated as the final goal location, with a time course closely related to movement initiation. A sequential sampling model of decision-making predicted key temporal characteristics of attentional allocation. Together, these findings provide evidence that visuospatial attentional prioritization during motor preparation does not simply reflect that a spatial location has been selected as movement goal, but rather indexes the time-extended, cumulative decision that leads to selection, hence constituting a link between perceptual and motor aspects of sensorimotor decisions.Significance statementWhen humans perform a goal-directed movement such as a reach, attention shifts towards the goal location already before movement initiation, indicating that motor goal selection relies on the use of attention. Here, we demonstrate that key temporal aspects of visuospatial attention are predicted by a well-known computational model of decision-making. These findings suggest that visual attention signals much more than simply that a motor goal has been selected: instead, the time-course of emergent, visuospatial attention reflects the time-extended, cumulative decision that leads to goal selection, offering a window onto the tight link of perceptual and motor aspects in sensorimotor decision-making.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory