Mycorrhiza Co-Association with Aspilia pruliseta Schweif and Phosphorus Uptake Effects on Growth Attributes of Gadam Sorghum in Selected Sites in Kenya


Muchoka J.P.ORCID,Mugendi D.N,Njiruh P.N,Onyari C.N.,Mbugua P.K.,Njeru E.M.


ABSTRACTMycorrhiza fungi are important components of soil microbiota in the rhizosphere and greatly influence uptake of mineral elements to plants. A green house experiment was conducted at the University of Embu. The experiment involved use of sterilized polythene potting material sized 30 cm by 40 cm. The pots were filled two thirds the height of the potting material with soil from a predetermined source in Gakurungu, Tunyai and Kanyuombora in the upper eastern region in Kenya. The soil used in the pots was collected from the rhizosphere of Aspilia pruliseta Schweif vegetation as well as adjacent areas without this vegetation as a control at 0-20 cm, 21-40 cm and 41-60 cm for each of the soil types (silty clay, silt loam and sandy loam) used in the experiment. Two sorghum seeds inoculated with mycorrhiza fungi were planted in each pot and a similar number of pots planted with un inoculated sorghum seeds as a control. Each of the 4 treatments mentioned above, was replicated four times giving n=144. Each pot was watered after every two days using a two-litre watering can for the first one week. Thereafter, watering regime was reduced to once a week but ensuring the pots remained moist. Watering was done uniformly to all the pots. This was maintained for a period of thirty five days. Data was analysed using SAS edition 8.2. Seed emergence, hypocotyl development and stand count were enhanced at P≤0.05 in both mycorrhiza fungi inoculated gadam sorghum seeds and in pots whose soils were taken from the rhizosphere of Aspilia pruliseta plants. The growth attributes had a positive correlation to yield at 95% confidence. Soil phosphate level was enhanced in both cases of gadam seed inoculation with mycorrhiza and in soils previously grown Aspilia pruliseta vegetation.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory







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