Resolving the spatial profile of figure enhancement in human V1 through population receptive field modeling


Poltoratski SoniaORCID,Tong Frank


AbstractThe detection and segmentation of meaningful figures from their background is a core function of vision. While work in non-human primates has implicated early visual mechanisms in this figure-ground modulation, neuroimaging in humans has instead largely ascribed the processing of figures and objects to higher stages of the visual hierarchy. Here, we used high-field fMRI at 7Tesla to measure BOLD responses to task-irrelevant orientation-defined figures in human early visual cortex, and employed a novel population receptive field (pRF) mapping-based approach to resolve the spatial profiles of two constituent mechanisms of figure-ground modulation: a local boundary response, and a further enhancement spanning the full extent of the figure region that is driven by global differences in features. Reconstructing the distinct spatial profiles of these effects reveals that figure enhancement modulates responses in human early visual cortex in a manner consistent with a mechanism of automatic, contextually-driven feedback from higher visual areas.Significance StatementA core function of the visual system is to parse complex 2D input into meaningful figures. We do so constantly and seamlessly, both by processing information about visible edges and by analyzing large-scale differences between figures and background. While influential neurophysiology work has characterized an intriguing mechanism that enhances V1 responses to perceptual figures, we have a poor understanding of how the early visual system contributes to figure-ground processing in humans. Here, we use advanced computational analysis methods and high-field human fMRI data to resolve the distinct spatial profiles of local edge and global figure enhancement in the early visual system (V1 and LGN); the latter is distinct and consistent a mechanism of automatic, stimulus-driven feedback from higher-level visual areas.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory







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