Caspase-8 activity mediates TNFα production and restrictsCoxiella burnetiireplication during murine macrophage infection


Osbron Chelsea A.,Lawson Crystal,Hanna Nolan,Koehler Heather S.,Goodman Alan G.ORCID


AbstractCoxiella burnetiiis an obligate intracellular bacteria which causes the global zoonotic disease Q Fever. Treatment options for infection are limited, and development of novel therapeutic strategies requires a greater understanding of howC. burnetiiinteracts with immune signaling. Cell death responses are known to be manipulated byC. burnetii, but the role of caspase-8, a central regulator of multiple cell death pathways, has not been investigated. In this research, we studied bacterial manipulation of caspase-8 signaling and the significance of caspase-8 toC. burnetiiinfection, examining bacterial replication, cell death induction, and cytokine signaling. We measured caspase, RIPK, and MLKL activation inC. burnetii-infected TNFα/CHX-treated THP-1 macrophage-like cells and TNFα/ZVAD-treated L929 cells to assess apoptosis and necroptosis signaling. Additionally, we measuredC. burnetiireplication, cell death, and TNFα induction over 12 days in RIPK1-kinase-dead, RIPK3-kinase-dead, or RIPK3-kinase-dead-caspase-8-/-BMDMs to understand the significance of caspase-8 and RIPK1/3 during infection. We found that caspase-8 is inhibited byC. burnetii, coinciding with inhibition of apoptosis and increased susceptibility to necroptosis. Furthermore,C. burnetiireplication was increased in BMDMs lacking caspase-8, but not in those lacking RIPK1/3 kinase activity, corresponding with decreased TNFα production and reduced cell death. As TNFα is associated with the control ofC. burnetii, this lack of a TNFα response may allow for the unchecked bacterial growth we saw in caspase-8-/-BMDMs. This research identifies and explores caspase-8 as a key regulator ofC. burnetiiinfection, opening novel therapeutic doors.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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