Assembly of alternative multiprotein complexes directs rRNA promoter selectivity.


Bell S P,Jantzen H M,Tjian R


How can trans-activators with the same DNA binding specificity direct different transcriptional programs? The rRNA transcriptional apparatus offers a useful model system to address this question and to dissect the mechanisms that generate alternative transcription complexes. Here, we compare the mouse and human transcription factors that govern species-specific RNA polymerase I promoter recognition. We find that both human and mouse rRNA transcription is mediated by a specific multiprotein complex. One component of this complex is the DNA-binding transcription factor, UBF. Paradoxically, human and mouse UBF display identical DNA binding specificities even though transcription of rRNA is species specific. Promoter selectivity is conferred by a second essential factor, SL1, which, for humans, does not bind DNA independently but, instead, cooperates with UBF in the formation of high-affinity DNA-binding complexes. In contrast, mouse SL1 can selectively interact with DNA in the absence of UBF. Reconstituted transcription experiments establish that UBF and RNA polymerase I from the two species are functionally interchangeable, whereas mouse and human SL1 exhibit distinct DNA binding and transcription activities. Together, these results suggest a critical role for a specific multiprotein assembly in RNA polymerase I promoter recognition and reveal distinct mechanisms through which such complexes can generate functional diversity.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory


Developmental Biology,Genetics







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