Cancer causes metabolic perturbations associated with reduced insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in peripheral tissues and impaired muscle microvascular perfusion


Han Xiuqing,Raun Steffen H.,Carlsson Michala,Sjøberg Kim A.,Henriquez-Olguín Carlos,Ali Mona,Lundsgaard Annemarie,Fritzen Andreas M.,Møller Lisbeth L. V.,Li Zhen,Li Jinwen,Jensen Thomas E.,Kiens Bente,Sylow LykkeORCID


AbstractBackgroundRedirecting glucose from skeletal muscle and adipose tissue, likely benefits the tumor’s energy demand to support tumor growth, as cancer patients with type 2 diabetes have 30% increased mortality rates. The aim of this study was to elucidate tissue-specific contributions and molecular mechanisms underlying cancer-induced metabolic perturbations.MethodsGlucose uptake in skeletal muscle and white adipose tissue (WAT), as well as hepatic glucose production, were determined in control and Lewis lung carcinoma (LLC) tumor-bearing C57BL/6 mice using isotopic tracers. Skeletal muscle microvascular perfusion was analyzed via a real-time contrast-enhanced ultrasound technique. Finally, the role of fatty acid turnover on glycemic control was determined by treating tumor-bearing insulin-resistant mice with nicotinic acid or etomoxir.ResultsLLC tumor-bearing mice displayed reduced insulin-induced blood-glucose-lowering and glucose intolerance, which was restored by etomoxir or nicotinic acid. Insulin-stimulated glucose uptake was 30-40% reduced in skeletal muscle and WAT of mice carrying large tumors. Despite compromised glucose uptake, tumor-bearing mice displayed upregulated insulin-stimulated phosphorylation of TBC1D4Thr642 (+18%), AKTSer474 (+65%), and AKTThr309 (+86%) in muscle. Insulin caused a 70% increase in muscle microvascular perfusion in control mice, which was abolished in tumor-bearing mice. Additionally, tumor-bearing mice displayed increased (+45%) basal (not insulin-stimulated) hepatic glucose production.ConclusionsCancer can result in marked perturbations on at least six metabolically essential functions; i) insulin’s blood-glucose-lowering effect, ii) glucose tolerance, iii) skeletal muscle and WAT insulin-stimulated glucose uptake, iv) intramyocellular insulin signaling, v) muscle microvascular perfusion, and vi) basal hepatic glucose production in mice. The mechanism causing cancer-induced insulin resistance may relate to fatty acid metabolism.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory







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