AbstractOxygen transfer from blood vessels to cortical brain tissue is representative of a class of problems with mixed-domain character. Large-scale efficient computation of tissue oxygen concentration is dependent on the manner in which the tubular network of blood vessels is coupled to the tissue mesh. Models which explicitly resolve the interface between the tissue and vasculature with a contiguous mesh are prohibitively expensive for very dense cerebral microvasculature. We propose amixed-domain mesh-freetechnique whereby a vascular anatomical network (VAN) represented as a thin directed graph serves for convection of blood oxygen, and the surrounding extravascular tissue is represented as a Cartesian grid of 3D voxels throughout which oxygen is transported by diffusion. We split the network and tissue meshes by the Schur complement method of domain decomposition to obtain a reduced set of system equations for the tissue oxygen concentration. The use of a Cartesian grid allows the corresponding matrix equation to be solved approximately with a fast Fourier transform based Poisson solver, which serves as an effective preconditioner for Krylov subspace iteration. The performance of this method enables the steady state simulation of cortical oxygen perfusion for anatomically accurate vascular networks down to single micron resolution without the need for supercomputers.Practitioner PointsWe present a novel mixed-domain framework for efficiently modeling O2extraction kinetics in the brain.Model equations are generated by graph-theoretic methods for mixed domains.Dual mesh domain decomposition with FFT preconditioning yields very fast simulation times for extremely high spatial resolution.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory