The impacts of COVID-19 and its policy response on access and utilization of maternal and child health services in Tanzania: a mixed methods study


Shayo Elizabeth H.,Nassor Nahya Kh.,Mboera Leonard E.G.,Ngadaya EstherORCID,Mangesho Peter,Bakari Mtumwa,Urassa MarkORCID,Seif Mohamed,Tarimo Clotilda,Masemo Ame,Mmbaga Blandina T.,O’Sullivan Natasha,McCoy David,Russo GiulianoORCID


AbstractThe SARS-Cov-2 virus (COVID-19) has had a global social and economic impact. Despite the growing evidence, its effects on access and delivery of maternal and child health services in low-income countries are still unclear. This cross-sectional case study was conducted in Mjini Magharibi, Chake Chake, and Ilala districts in Tanzania to help fill this gap.The study combined qualitative and quantitative data collection methods, providing an account of the evolution of the pandemic and the associated control measures in Tanzania. We drew from 34 in-depth interviews, 60 semi-structured interviews, and 14 focus group discussions with key informants, patients, and health providers, and complemented the findings with a review of pandemic reports and health facility records. We followed the Standards for Reporting Qualitative Research to provide an account of the findings.Our account of the pandemic shows that there was a non-linear policy response in Tanzania, with diverse control measures adopted at various stages of the epidemic. There was a perception that COVID-19 services were prioritized during the epidemic at the expense of regular ones. There were reports of reorganisation of health facilities, reallocation of staff, rescheduled antenatal and postnatal clinics, and reduced time for health education and child monitoring. Scarcity of essential commodities was reported, such as vaccines, equipment, and medical supplies. Such perceptions were in part supported by the routine utilization evidence in the three districts, showing a lower uptake of antenatal, postnatal, family planning, and immunization services, as well as fewer institutional deliveries.Our findings suggest that, despite the erratic policy response in Tanzania, fear caused by the pandemic and the diversion of resources to control COVID-19 may have contributed most to lower the utilization of mother and child services. For future emergencies, it will be crucial to ensure the policy response does not weaken the population’s demand for services.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Reference32 articles.

1. John Hopkins University. COVID-19 Dashboard. In: Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center [Internet]. 2022 [cited 14 Dec 2022]. Available:

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3. COVID-19 and missed or delayed vaccination in 26 middle- and high-income countries: An observational survey

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