Engineering sensory ganglion multicellular system to model tissue nerve ingrowth


Ma JunxuanORCID,Tognato RiccardoORCID,Eglauf Janick,Grad SibylleORCID,Alini MauroORCID,Serra TizianoORCID


AbstractDiscogenic pain is associated with deep nerve ingrowth in annulus fibrosus tissue (AF) of intervertebral disc (IVD). To model AF nerve ingrowth, primary bovine dorsal root ganglion (DRG) micro-scale tissue units are spatially organized around an AF explant by mild hydrodynamic forces within a collagen matrix. This results in a densely packed multicellular system mimicking the native DRG tissue morphology and a controlled AF-neuron distance. Such a multicellular organization is essential to evolve populational-level cellular functions andin vivo-like morphologies. Pro-inflammatory cytokine-primed AF demonstrates its neurotrophic and neurotropic effects on nociceptor axons. Both effects depend on the AF-neuron distance underpinning the role of recapitulating inter-tissue/organ anatomical proximity when investigating their crosstalk. This is the firstin vitromodel studying AF nerve ingrowth by engineering mature and large animal tissues in a morphologically and physiologically relevant environment. Our new approach can be used to biofabricate multi-tissue/organ models for untangling pathophysiological conditions and develop novel therapies.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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