DNA metabarcoding using newrbcLandITS2metabarcodes collectively enhance detection efficiency of medicinal plants in single and polyherbal formulations


Travadi Tasnim,Shah Abhi P.,Pandit Ramesh,Sharma Sonal,Joshi Chaitanya,Joshi MadhviORCID


AbstractWith the widespread adoption of barcoding and next-generation sequencing, metabarcoding is emerging as a potential tool for detecting labelled and unlabelled plant species in herbal products. In this study, newly designedrbcLandITS2metabarcode primers were validated for metabarcoding using in-house mock controls of medicinal plant gDNA pools and biomass pools. The applicability of the multi-barcode sequencing approach was evaluated on 17 single drugs and 15 polyherbal formulations procured from the Indian market. TherbcLmetabarcode demonstrated detection efficiencies of 86.7% and 71.7% in gDNA plant pools and biomass mock controls, respectively, while theITS2metabarcode demonstrated 82.2% and 69.4%. In the gDNA plant pool and biomass pool mock controls, the cumulative detection efficiency increased by 100% and 90%, respectively. A total of 79% cumulative detection efficiency of both metabarcodes was observed in single drugs, while 76.3% was observed in polyherbal formulations. An average fidelity of 83.6% was observed for targeted plant species present within mock controls as well as in herbal formulations. Our results demonstrated the applicability of multilocus strategies in metabarcoding as a potential tool for detecting labelled and unlabelled plant species in herbal formulations.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory








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