Bicoid gradient formation mechanism and dynamics revealed by protein lifetime analysis


Durrieu Lucia,Kirrmaier Daniel,Schneidt Tatjana,Kats Ilia,Raghavan Sarada,Knop Michael,Saunders Timothy E,Hufnagel Lars


AbstractEmbryogenesis relies on instructions provided by spatially organized signaling molecules known as morphogens. Understanding the principles behind morphogen distribution and how cells interpret locally this information remains a major challenge in developmental biology. Here we introduce morphogen-age measurements as a novel approach to retrieve key parameters in morphogen dynamics. Using a tandem fluorescent timer (tFT) as a protein-age sensor we find a gradient of increasing age of Bicoid (Bcd) along the anterior-posterior (AP) axis in the early Drosophila embryo. Quantitative analysis retrieves parameter that are most consistent with the synthesis-diffusion-degradation (SDD) model underlying Bcd-gradient formation, and rule out some other hypotheses for gradient formation. Moreover, we show that the timer can detect transitions in the dynamics associated with syncytial cellularization. Our results provide new insight into Bcd gradient formation, and demonstrate how morphogen age-information can complement knowledge about movement, abundance and distribution, which should be widely applicable for other systems.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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