1. Martın Abadi , Ashish Agarwal , Paul Barham , Eugene Brevdo , Zhifeng Chen , Craig Citro , Greg S. Corrado , Andy Davis , Jeffrey Dean , Matthieu Devin , Sanjay Ghemawat , Ian Goodfellow , Andrew Harp , Geoffrey Irving , Michael Isard , Yangqing Jia , Rafal Jozefowicz , Lukasz Kaiser , Manjunath Kudlur , Josh Levenberg , Dan Mane , Rajat Monga , Sherry Moore , Derek Murray , Chris Olah , Mike Schuster , Jonathon Shlens , Benoit Steiner , Ilya Sutskever , Kunal Talwar , Paul Tucker , Vincent Vanhoucke , Vijay Vasudevan , Fernanda Viegas , Oriol Vinyals , Pete Warden , Martin Wattenberg , Martin Wicke , Yuan Yu , and Xiaoqiang Zheng . TensorFlow: Large-Scale Machine Learning on Heterogeneous Distributed Systems, March 2016.
2. Review of deep learning: concepts, CNN architectures, challenges, applications, future directions
3. Population biology of infectious diseases: Part I
4. Anastasios N. Angelopoulos , Stephen Bates , Clara Fannjiang , Michael I. Jordan , and Tijana Zrnic . Prediction-Powered Inference, February 2023.
5. Rina Foygel Barber , Emmanuel J. Candes , Aaditya Ramdas , and Ryan J. Tibshirani . The limits of distribution-free conditional predictive inference, April 2020.