RNA in extracellular vesicles during adolescence reveal immune, energetic and microbial imprints of early life adversity


Korobkova L,Morin EL,Aoued H,Sannigrahi S,Garza KM,Siebert ER,Walum H,Cabeen RP,Sanchez MM,Dias BG


AbstractExposure to early life adversity (ELA), including childhood maltreatment, is one of the most significant risk factors for the emergence of neuropsychiatric disorders in adolescence and adulthood. Despite this relationship being well established, the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. One way to achieve this understanding is to identify molecular pathways and processes that are perturbed as a consequence of childhood maltreatment. Ideally, these perturbations would be evident as changes in DNA, RNA or protein profiles in easily accessible biological samples collected in the shadow of childhood maltreatment. In this study, we isolated circulating extracellular vesicles (EVs) from plasma collected from adolescent rhesus macaques that had either experienced nurturing maternal care (CONT) or maternal maltreatment (MALT) in infancy. RNA sequencing of RNA in plasma EVs and gene enrichment analysis revealed that genes related to translation, ATP synthesis, mitochondrial function and immune response were downregulated in MALT samples, while genes involved in ion transport, metabolism and cell differentiation were upregulated. Interestingly, we found that a significant proportion of EV RNA aligned to the microbiome and that MALT altered the diversity of microbiome-associated RNA signatures found in EVs. Part of this altered diversity suggested differences in prevalence of bacterial species in CONT and MALT animals noted in the RNA signatures of the circulating EVs. Our findings provide evidence that immune function, cellular energetics and the microbiome may be important conduits via which infant maltreatment exerts effects on physiology and behavior in adolescence and adulthood. As a corollary, perturbations of RNA profiles related to immune function, cellular energetics and the microbiome may serve as biomarkers of responsiveness to ELA. Our results demonstrate that RNA profiles in EVs can serve as a powerful proxy to identify biological processes that might be perturbed by ELA and that may contribute to the etiology of neuropsychiatric disorders in the aftermath of ELA.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory








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