DNA 5-methylcytosine regulates genome-wide formation of G-quadruplex structures


Niu Kangkang,Xiang Lijun,Li Xiaoyu,Li Jin,Li Yuanli,Zhang Chu,Liu Junpeng,Zhang Xiaojuan,Peng Yuling,Xu Guanfeng,Xiang Hui,Wang Hao,Song Qisheng,Feng Qili


ABSTRACTG-quadruplex structures (G4s) have been identified in genomes of multiple organisms and proven to play important epigenetic regulatory roles in various cellular functions. However, the G4 formation mechanism remains largely unknown. Here, we found a negative correlation between DNA 5mC methylation and G4 abundance. The abundance of genomic G4s significantly increased when the whole-genome methylation level was reduced in DNMT1-knockout cells. This increase was then suppressed by DNMT1 over-expression. And more G4s were detected in the hypomethylated cancer cell line HepG2 and rectal cancer tissues. Besides, 5mC modification significantly inhibited G4 formation of the potential G-quadruplex sequences (PQSs). The transcription of genes with 5mC modification sites in their promoter PQSs was affected after treatment with G4 stabilizer pyridostatin or methylation inhibitor 5-aza-dC. The global reduction of genomic methylation elevates gene transcription levels through increased G4s. Taken together, DNA 5mC methylation prevents PQSs from folding into G4s in genomes.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory








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