Adipocyte lipin 1 is positively associated with metabolic health in humans and regulates systemic metabolism in mice


LaPoint Andrew,Singer Jason M.,Ferguson Daniel,Shew Trevor M.,Renkemeyer M. Katie,Palacios Hector,Field Rachael,Shankaran Mahalakshmi,Smith Gordon I.,Yoshino Jun,He Mai,Patti Gary J.,Hellerstein Marc K.,Klein Samuel,Brestoff Jonathan R.,Finck Brian N.,Lutkewitte Andrew J.ORCID


AbstractDysfunctional adipose tissue is believed to promote the development of hepatic steatosis and systemic insulin resistance, but many of the mechanisms involved are still unclear. Lipin 1 catalyzes the conversion of phosphatidic acid to diacylglycerol (DAG), the penultimate step of triglyceride synthesis, which is essential for lipid storage. Herein we found that adipose tissueLPIN1expression is decreased in people with obesity compared to lean subjects and lowLPIN1expression correlated with multi-tissue insulin resistance and increased rates of hepatic de novo lipogenesis. Comprehensive metabolic and multi-omic phenotyping demonstrated that adipocyte-specificLpin1-/-mice had a metabolically-unhealthy phenotype, including liver and skeletal muscle insulin resistance, hepatic steatosis, increased hepatic de novo lipogenesis, and transcriptomic signatures of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis that was exacerbated by high-fat diets. We conclude that adipocyte lipin 1-mediated lipid storage is vital for preserving adipose tissue and systemic metabolic health and its loss predisposes mice to nonalcoholic steatohepatitis.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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1. Role of lipins in cardiovascular diseases;Lipids in Health and Disease;2023-11-14







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