Anand Lakshay,Rodriguez Lopez Carlos M.
AbstractSummarychromoMap is an R package for constructing interactive visualizations of chromosomes/chromosomal regions, and mapping of chromosomal elements (like genes) onto them, of any living organism. The package takes separate tab-delimited files (BED like) to specify the genomic co-ordinates of the chromosomes and the elements to annotate. Each rendered chromosome is composed of continuous loci of specific ranges where each locus, on hover, displays detailed information about the elements annotated within that locus range. By just tweaking parameters of a single function, users can generate a variety of plots that can either be saved as static image or shared as HTML documents. Users can utilize the various prominent features of chromoMap including, but not limited to, visualizing polyploidy, creating chromosome heatmaps, mapping groups of elements, adding hyperlinks to elements, multi-species chromosome visualization.Availability and implementationThe R package chromoMap is available under the GPL-3 Open Source license. It is included with a vignette for comprehensive understanding of its various features, and is freely available from: informationSupplementary data are available online.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
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