The objective of the research was to evaluate the degree of sustainability of urban farming development in Petamburan, Central Jakarta. This research used a descriptive methodology approach using a qualitative approach (1) research preparation stage (2) collection stage (3) data analysis stage to check the degree of sustainability of urban agriculture using the Multi Dimension Scaling (MDS) approach. The study results indicate that urban agriculture in the special capital region of Jakarta is well known and is strongly supported by the residents of Petamburan Village, Tanah Abang District, Central Jakarta. Urban residents generally already have knowledge and insight about urban agriculture. The community support for urban agricultural activities uses their yards to cultivate vegetables, herbs, and other seasonal fruit crops. The development of urban farming in Petamburan, Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta results from the analysis of four dimensioned model MDS is not sustainable. The analysis results of each dimension consist of the ecological dimension 14.55%, the economic dimension 13.85%, the social dimension 13.94%, and the technological dimension 13.43%. In the future, urban farming should pay attention to the supporting factors of the sustainability of agricultural development. The factors include the yard area, types, and variations of cultivated plants, the application of innovation and technology that urban communities can accept and develop, increased counselling and community development, and intensive and tax-free provision for yards with urban farming. The study show that index of urban agriculture sustainability in Petamburan Village, Tanah Abang District, Central Jakarta is very low, including the destructive and unsustainable category depending on the results of multidimensional analysis of both economic, ecological, social, and technological dimensions so that improvements are needed through counselling and motivation for urban agriculture actors.
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