Tokat İli Asma Alanında Bazı Asma Virüslerinin Moleküler Olarak Belirlenmesi ve Grapevine Virus A'nın Filogenetik Analizi






Grapevine (Vitis spp.) is one of the major fruit crop with high socioeconomic importance for Turkey. In vineyards, many harmful organism, especially virus infections, weaken the plant and lead to decreases in yield and quality, so it takes the lead in quarantine and certification. This study was carried out to determine some viral agents that cause yield loss in vines produced in Tokat, where viticulture is very important. Samples were collected from young leaves and one-year-old shoots of grapevines showing virus symptoms from some vineyard areas in Tokat Center and its districts. Collected 189 grapevine samples were subjected to the RT-PCR test, which is a molecular method using virus-specific primers, to detect the presence of Grapevine pinot gris virus (GPGV), Grapevine virus A (GVA), Strawberry latent ringspot virus (SLRSV). Out of a total of 189 plant samples, 80 (42.32%) of GVA, 3 (1.58%) of GPGV were detected and SLRSV (0%) was not detected. More than one virus was found in 2 (1.05%) of 189 tested samples. It was determined that the most common virus was GVA, the least detected virus was GPGV in plant samples collected from Tokat Center and its districts. Bidirectional sequence analysis of RT-PCR products of GVA-infected isolates were performed and phylogenetic analyzes were done by comparing them with reference isolates after they were aligned with the MEGAX computer program. Based on phylogenetic analysis studies, GVA showed differential branching with isolates registered in GenBank and isolates obtained in the study. GVA-infected isolates showed similarity with reference isolates at rates of 92-94%. In this study, molecular analysis of Turkish GVA isolates was performed. This molecular information is important as it will shed light on future studies.


Scientific Research Project Unit of Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa University


Tekirdag Ziraat Fakultesi Dergisi


Pollution,General Agricultural and Biological Sciences

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