1. J. H. van’t Hoff, A Suggestion Looking to the Extension into Space of the Structural Formulas at Present Used in Chemistry. And a Note Upon the Relation Between the Optical Activity and the Chemical Constitution of Organic Compounds, inFoundations of Stereo Chemistry, Memoirs by Pasteur, Van’t Hoff, Lebel and Wislicenus, ed. by G. M. Richardson, American Book Co., New York,1901, pp. 35–46.
2. J. A. Le Bel, On the Relations Which Exist Between the Atomic Formulas of Organic Compounds and the Rotatory Power of Their Solutions, inFoundations of Stereo Chemistry, Memoirs by Pasteur, Van’t Hoff, Lebel and Wislicenus, ed. by G. M. Richardson, American Book Co., New York,1901, pp. 47–60, https://archive.org/details/foundationsofste00richrich.
3. Van't Hoff, Le Bel, and the development of stereochemistry: A reassessment