Vascular Density Changes after Nanosecond Laser Therapy in Dry AMD


Daniela Mitova


Introduction: АМD is a disease of social significance and an increasing incidence. By 2040, patients are expected to reach 300 million. 90% of them have non-exudative form while only10% have exudative AMD. The nanosecond laser (2RT, Ellex) is the first patented therapy for dry AMD. It presents a new hope in the prophylaxis of the more aggressive exudative form. Aim: The aim of this study is to present an innovative treatment for dry AMD; to describe the mechanism of action of 2RT; to show first clinical results and to prove the functional efficiency of the therapy by pre and post treatment analysis of vascular density. Methods: Nanosecond laser (2RT, Ellex) was used. Patients were followed with visual acuity, contrast sensitivity (F.A.C.T.101), Fluorescein angiography (FA)Fundus auto-fluorescens (FAF), OCT, Angio-OCT. Statistical analysis of vascular density (foveal and peri-foveal superficial and deep) was done. Results: A significant improvement in vascular density in the macula was observed 3-6 months after the treatment in all patients with dry AMD. In 40% of cases a reduction of the drusen was observed. No increase of the atrophic changes was observed. Conclusions: The main goal of the treatment is to ameliorate the degenerative process by tissue stimulation and rejuvenation. Vascular density increase after 2RT treatment does prove the functional improvement and efficacy of the therapy.


Mapsci Digital Publisher OPC Pvt. Ltd.


General Medicine

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