Editorial Note- Archives Of Clinical Trials And Case Reports


Hunis Adrian Pablo


We are experiencing a unique and unprecedented moment in the field of medicine in general and that of oncology in particular. Research and technological innovations are the drivers of great progress in the fight against cancer. Unfortunately, all these advances, during the years 2020 and 2021 were in "pause" mode because the world is experiencing a pandemic, but the fight and research in oncology continue. However, if we add this infection to the most common infectious diseases, the sum of all of them -I insist- does not reach the almost 10 million deaths from cancer that occur per year, in the world. The increase in life expectancy, the best and most accurate diagnostic methods, environmental carcinogens, lifestyle, low physical activity, viruses with oncogenic capacity and a whole series of factors that seem to play a key role in the development of these oncological diseases, called “cancer”, explain this enormous number of annual deaths, to which I previously referred.


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