A figura do autor


Carvalho Carlos Eduardo da Silva,Furlanete Fábio Parra,Albuquerque Ana Cristina de


The present work seeks to discuss the author function from Michel Foucault in his possible contributions to the field of Information Science. In the case of qualitative work, based on bibliographic material, the literature relevant to the theme was read in works by Michel Foucault and Paul Otlet, in order to identify the treatment given to the figure of the author in both, proceeding to carrying out a comparative exercise. In Paul Otlet, the presence of the attribution of the role explored by Michel Foucault in his texts to the figure of the author was identified, corresponding to an ordering meaning and a kind of reading key for a set that is understood as “work”. The need to deepen the treatment of Foucauldian texts in the field of Information Science was concluded, seeking to understand the conditions of possibility of our objects.


Logeion Filosofia da Informacao

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