1. David Vega-Barachowitz and Adam Lubinsky, “Ship Shape,” Urban Omnibus, March 11, 2020)
2. Shannon Mattern, “Sidewalks of Concrete and Code,” in Sarah Sharma and Rianka Singh, eds., Re-Understanding Media: Feminist Extensions of Marshall McLuhan (Duke University Press, 2022)
3. Maria Rentetzi, “Cardboard Box: The Politics of Materiality,” in Boxes: A Field Guide, Eds. Susanne Bauer, Martina Schlünder, and Maria Rentetzi (Mattering Press, 2020)
4. Emily Brownell, “Better Shelter” in Boxes: A Field Guide, Eds. Susanne Bauer, Martina Schlünder, and Maria Rentetzi (Mattering Press, 2020)
5. Containers of Care: Cardboard and the Corrugated Construction of War