1. Comer Clay, “The Colorado River Raft,” Southwestern Historical Quarterly 52 (April 1949), 410-26
2. Wendee Holtcamp, “Delta Dawn,” Texas Parks and Wildlife (July 2006)
3. 10.1061/9780784402429.256
4. R.G. Barcak, N.C. Kraus, L. Lin, E.R. Smith, D.J. Heilman, and R.C. Thomas, “Navigation Improvements, Mouth of the Colorado River, Texas,” Proceedings of Coastal Sediments ’07 Conference (Reston, VA: ASCE Press), 1502-1514
5. Lynn M. Alperin, “History of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway” (National Waterways Study, U.S. Army Engineer Water Resources Support Center, Institute for Water Resources, 1983)