A protective glass- based coating of N-15 and N-25 glass was deposited on the Crofer steel by slurry method and its effect on 7500C-8500C has been studied. Oxidation behavior of steel at high temperature of 12500C was also investigated. Interface study of N-25 glass &Crofer steel and N-15 glass &Crofer steel has been done and found that coating of N-15 glass on the steel is more smooth and effective to prevent the surface of steel from corrosion.Structural study of different type of glass has also been done. Bare steel sample as well as coated steel sample was taken for the study of their isothermal oxidation which shows that the glass coating could prevent the corrosion and improve the quality of steel surface for practical application.This corrosion resistant effect takes place because a thin layer of molten glass is formed on the surface of steel at high temperature. This layer then acts as a diffusion barrier. This coating of glass and steel is cost effective, hence have wide application in many infrastructural construction where corrosion is a big challenge. It is also very useful in marine conditions where steel is most likely to be corroded be sea water.
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