Kishore Kumar's captivating voice and multifaceted artistry transcended generations, leaving an enduring impact on Indian cinema and society. This mixed-methods study delves into his multifaceted impact. Through surveys, expert interviews, and critical analysis, the research reveals how Kishore Kumar revolutionized playback singing with his unique vocal range, emotional delivery, and innovative techniques like yodeling. His significant contributions to acting and filmmaking are also examined. The study further explores his lasting influence on contemporary artists (76.9% acknowledging his inspiration) and a significant portion of the audience (84.6%) who believe his music resonates across generations, shaping social and cultural identity. By understanding Kishore Kumar's multifaceted impact, we gain a deeper appreciation for his artistry and its enduring legacy on the evolution of Indian cinema and the cultural fabric of Indian society.
Granthaalayah Publications and Printers
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