Bangar Amol Arjunrao,Kulkarni Milind Audumbar
Lean Production Planning and Control is to be contrasted with project controls. His effectiveness of Lean Production Planning and Control is sometimes limited because of external factors, which are beyond the control of Production Manager. Sudden break-down or beak-out of war, government control, natural calamities, change in fashion, change in technology, etc.As explained, project controls have developed to become centralized functions to track project progress and identify deviations from plan and to forecast future progress, using metrics rooted in accounting principles.Thus, lean production control is some scientific procedure to regulate an orderly flow of material and co-ordinate various production operations to accomplish the objective of producing desired item. In right quantity of desired quality at the required time by the best and the cheapest method i.e., to attain highest efficiency in production.Alternately, production control is the function of management, which plans, directs and controls the material supply and processing activities of an enterprise; so that specified products are produced by specified methods to meet an approved sales programme. It ensures that the activities are carried in such a way that the available labour and capital are used in the best possible way.
Granthaalayah Publications and Printers
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