1. J. Bandyopadhyaya, The Poverty of Nations: A Global Perspective of Mass Poverty in the Third World, (Allied Publishers: New Delhi), 1988; p.286.
2. J.Dreze and A.K.Sen, Hunger and Public Action, (Oxford Clarendon Press: Delhi), 1990; p.3
3. Quoted in Oscar Altimir, 'The Extent of Poverty in Latin America', (The World Bank Staff Working Papers No.522, The world Bank: Washington D.C., U.S.A.), 1982; p.2.
4. Oster M. Sheron, Elizabeth, E.Lake and C.G.Obsman (eds), The Definition and Measurement of Poverty Vol.1., (Westview press: Boulder), 1978; p.3.
5. S.C. Varma, Millions in Poverty Grip, (Kunji Publishing House: New Delhi), 1984; p.15.