Saludung Desty Pali,Limbong Mesta,Sihotang Hotmaulina
This research aims to know the function of library management to improve the quality of education in junior high schools in Sanggalangi Subdistrict, North Toraja Regency. The method used in this study is the qualitative approach method. In qualitative approaches, the primary data collection tool is a researcher who acts as a full observer of things that concern the management of libraries relating to the quality of education. The data was obtained through observations, interviews, and documentation directly at junior high school in Sanggalangi Subdistrict, North Toraja Regency. Resource persons in this study are principals, librarians, teachers, and supervisors of junior high school in Sanggalangi Subdistrict. Data validation by triangulation is source triangu- lation, technique and time. The results showed that library management in junior high school in Sanggalangi Subdistrict, North Toraja Regency, in general, has shown good things but experienced various obstacles in the field both in terms of infrastructure and from the library staff where the librarians do not have library background. The quality of junior high school education in Sanggalangi Subdistrict, North Toraja Regency, is still limited due to limited human resources and facilities that are not optimal, but in some schools, it has improved. It can be seen that there are students in Sanggalangi Subdistrict who have achievements. The use of the library is very influential on the quality of education because through the library, teachers and students can obtain the knowledge and information needed in the learning process.
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