Science has brought about revolutionary changes in every aspect of life. Its impact is visible everywhere and in every practice of our existence. Thus, science education is a valuable resource in this world. If students have intrinsic motivation, they are active, curious, interested and eager to engage in learning process and the intrinsically motivated behaviors help them acquire knowledge and experience in science. Moreover, educational aspirations and career aspirations are enhanced through better science education. Thus, the present study aimed to investigate the relations of secondary students’ intrinsic motivation and aspirations with their achievement in science. This is a mixed methods study and sample consisted of 2384 students in Grade 8 and Grade 9. Hence, an intervention was implemented to explore students’ intrinsic motivation, aspirations using suitable teaching methodologies and strategies. The results reveal that, there were strong positive relationships of students’ intrinsic motivation and aspirations with their achievement (r2 = .691; .687 respectively) in the experimental group. However, there were very low positive relationship of students’ intrinsic motivation and aspirations with their achievement (r2 = .012; .006 respectively) in the control group. Further, there were significant differences of students’ intrinsic motivation, aspirations and achievement before and after the intervention in the experimental group; t= 48.513 (1132) p=.000; t=53.689 (1132) p=.000; t=65.939 (1132) p=.000 respectively. However, there were no such significant differences of the above aspects before and after the intervention in the control group; t=-.989 (1250) p=.323; t=1.575 (1250) p=.116; t= .968(1250) p= .333 respectively. The findings of the study provided comprehensive understanding of the above relations, develop suitable teaching and learning methodologies and inform the practice in science education.
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