Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the pharyngeal airway and hyoid measurements according to gender and pre-peak, peak and post-peak growth-development stages.Method: In our study were included 531 people. The classification of the patients according to the pubertal growth attack periods in the grouping according to the growth-development period was determined from the lateral cephalometric films taken at the beginning of the treatment. The pharyngeal airway and hyoid measurements were compared according to three different growth-development periods. SPSS program was used for data analysis. Results: A statistical relationship was observed between growth-development periods, gender and chronological age (p<0.05). A statistically significant difference was found in the majority (86%) of pharyngeal airway dimensions and hyoid measurements in all three groups (p<0.05).Conclusions: With age and as the growth-development periods progress, the dimensions of the pharyngeal airway increase and the hyoid bone moves downwards.
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