Distance Learning & English Language Teachers’ Professional Development


Khitrova I. V.1ORCID,Treshina I. V.2ORCID


1. MGIMO University

2. Moscow Pedagogical State University


   The paper aims to share the experience in the field of the professional training of English language teachers. The authors describe the ways the English language teaching methodology classes are held as a part of distance learning. Students work out the materials for teaching pupils in google docs and discuss them using a cloud-based video communications app ‘Zoom’, then share their google docs links with students from other groups and comment on the tasks for potential pupils. Particular attention is paid to the detailed plan of the class, its coherence and cohesion, applied approaches and methods, given tasks. The paper contains a number of teaching materials developed by the senior students of the Institute of Foreign Languages of Moscow Pedagogical State University. These materials can be used as practical recommendations for EFL teachers or students of pedagogical universities studying foreign languages and doing teaching practice at schools.


MGIMO University


General Medicine

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