Specifics of Teaching Foreign Language Reading for Detailed Comprehension to High School Students


Chernyshov S. V.1ORCID,Evtushok Yu. O.1,Osipova A. Y.1


1. Moscow Pedagogical State University


The article is devoted to revealing the specifics of teaching reading for detailed comprehension in high school. Based on the analysis of methodological literature, the concept of “reading for detailed comprehension” is disclosed, and the psychological mechanisms that determine the effectiveness of this type of reading in a foreign language lesson in high school are characterized. The article describes the stages of work on reading for detailed comprehension. A list of formed speech skills and abilities in this kind of reading in a foreign language among high school students is presented based on the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, the Exemplary Work Program in English, and controlled content elements in the Universal Codifier in English. The authors of the article pay special attention to the exercises used in teaching reading for detailed comprehension, aimed at a deep understanding of a foreign language text presented in graphic form. On the example of working with a text on the topic “Art”, the types of exercises that allow a foreign language teacher to effectively form speech skills and abilities in reading for detailed comprehension at a foreign language lesson in high school are described.


MGIMO University


General Medicine

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