Individual and psychological differences in learning Russian as a second language


Kosar M. A.1,Masume E.1


1. University of Bojnord


In the modern world, foreign languages have acquired special importance, and their study is considered one of the fundamental and key conditions for the success of intercultural communication, as well as a tool for the formation of linguistic identity. For this reason, in the past few decades, special research has been carried out in educational psychology in order to find effective non-linguistic ways of mastering a second language. According to modern approaches, individual psychological characteristics have a great influence on the process of mastering foreign languages; therefore, this article attempts to show the relationship between psychological aspects and educational methods. The most important factors include motivation, gender, learning style, social factors, interest in learning a second language, the level of language and intellectual abilities, the presence of a language barrier, the cognitive style of the student, the ratio of language material and speech during learning, the level of development of verbal memory and the formation of ability to understand complex communication links. In this process, it is necessary to pay attention to essential factors that are outside linguistics. Students with the knowledge acquired over the years turn to different learning styles. It is important to show respect for their learning styles. It is essential for the instructor to design his curriculum in such a way that different students with different learning styles can follow them. When the activity seems meaningful to the student, his motivation for learning also increases. It seems that familiarity with psychology is essential for all teachers. Understanding what processes occur in the memory of a student while learning a foreign language, as well as what negative impact the delivery of a large volume of educational materials in a short period of time can have on him, is of great importance. Understanding this can have a significant positive impact on foreign language teachers in the preparation of educational programs for their correct presentation, which will be of great benefit and positive effect in the classroom.


MGIMO University


Pharmacology (medical)

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